745 Tags In Total
rant 415 politics 35 infosec 12 life 12 economy 11 twitter 10 love 9 trump 9 work 9 anonymous 8 jekyll 8 info 7 ruby 7 blag 6 lol 6 tech 6 coronavirus 5 dox the world 5 google 5 hugo 5 music 5 quarantine 5 video 5 youtube 5 ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 4 abortion 4 blog 4 blogging 4 covid 4 gop 4 irc 4 linux 4 maga 4 news 4 osint 4 prosec 4 retards 4 update 4 updates 4 8 passengers 3 audio 3 blah 3 china 3 cult 3 derp 3 drama 3 euler 3 feelthebern 3 foss 3 freebsd 3 garbage 3 hiatus 3 information 3 irssi 3 israel 3 math 3 meme 3 memes 3 random 3 religion 3 republicans 3 rust 3 software 3 template 3 totient 3 trash 3 trumpism 3 unix 3 vape 3 4chan 2 a5h3r4h 2 absinthe 2 ai 2 analytics 2 andrew lee 2 anthony strangis 2 antisec 2 backtracesec 2 bernie sanders 2 biden 2 bittorrent 2 c 2 calculator 2 chamfer 2 cloudflare 2 corruption 2 ddos 2 democracy 2 dmca 2 docker 2 donald trump 2 doxbin 2 elections 2 evangelicals 2 exhausted 2 fbi 2 freedom of speech 2 freenode 2 fuck hillary 2 go 2 gr&r 2 hindenburg research 2 html 2 hubris 2 humor 2 images 2 insanity 2 james rayl 2 liquor 2 lulz 2 lulzsec 2 michigan 2 microsoft 2 minbif 2 minitab 2 morons 2 net neutrality 2 notmeus 2 november 2 og jams 2 palestine 2 piracetam 2 presidency 2 puke 2 python 2 qanon 2 reality 2 review 2 robotics 2 roe v. wade 2 rofl 2 ruby franke 2 sabu 2 spoilers 2 stupid 2 tiktok 2 tired 2 tommy chong 2 trolls 2 truth 2 unemployment 2 upgrade 2 vpn 2 vps 2 windows 2 wordpress 2 "trolling" 1 14th amendment 1 1984 1 2016 1 3dmodel 1 9/11 1 911 1 aar0n 1 absentee mothers 1 abuse 1 activision 1 ad block 1 adani 1 ajit pai is trash 1 all buildings matter 1 alltehthings 1 amazon 1 ambrose 1 amerisourcebergen 1 amsterdam 1 anal 1 android 1 anger 1 animal 1 another gop hypocrite 1 anova 1 apk 1 arc 1 archived 1 armchair generals 1 asshat 1 asshole 1 assholes 1 atheism 1 atomic9 1 autograph 1 awesome 1 awk 1 babies 1 backtracesecurity 1 bad vegan 1 bank 1 bank of america 1 basement dwellers 1 bash 1 basko 1 bean 1 beat 1 bierce 1 billionaire leeches 1 birthday 1 bitcoin? apparently? 1 bleep 1 bleh 1 blizzard 1 block 1 blueberries 1 booze 1 borderline ex 1 borderline personality disorder 1 bored 1 boredom 1 boring 1 brain-aids 1 brainwashed 1 brick 1 bruce aylward 1 bsides 1 bsod 1 buhbuh 1 bullshit 1 bullyville 1 burgina 1 busy 1 byobu 1 bypass 1 cake 1 capitalism 1 cardinal health 1 ccp 1 censorship 1 cfaa 1 chase 1 cheaterville 1 chemlawn 1 child abuse 1 choppy 1 christmas 1 chrome 1 cia 1 cipherpunk 1 clarence thomas 1 clintons suck cock 1 closeted 1 cloudious9 1 cnc 1 coal wars 1 cognition 1 comedy 1 comfyui 1 communism 1 complete 1 computing 1 conman 1 constitution 1 contentment 1 controlnet 1 corrupt 1 covid-19 1 crap 1 creo 1 crowdstrike 1 css 1 csv 1 cult 45 1 cyber police 1 cyberstalking 1 dabs 1 dank 1 data 1 david cash 1 david wynn miller 1 dc riot 1 de-nazification 1 dead 1 dead as a door nail 1 dead retard 1 deafheaven 1 death 1 degenerates 1 delusional 1 demf 1 democrat 1 democrats 1 depression 1 deric lostutter 1 detroit 1 dht 1 dictionary 1 dilution 1 disable 1 disappear 1 disconnected 1 dislike 1 divest immediately 1 diy 1 done 1 dongle 1 douchebags 1 douyin 1 dox 1 drunk 1 dry herb 1 dui 1 dump 1 duration 1 e-drama 1 east 1 easter 1 easy 1 eat the rich 1 effects 1 egypt 1 election 1 electronic 1 embed 1 emotional venting 1 employment 1 engrish 1 esl 1 essay 1 even 1 excel 1 excuses 1 executive branch 1 exhaustion 1 f-keys 1 facts 1 family 1 fancybox 1 fanuc 1 fascism 1 fat piece of shit 1 fathers day 1 federal postal court 1 fediverse 1 fff 1 firewall 1 first amendment 1 first post 1 fisting 1 flint 1 florida 1 font 1 fonts 1 fraud 1 french revolution 1 friday 1 fringe cult 1 frustration 1 ftp 1 fuck 1 fuck ajit pai 1 fuck bill 1 fuck crypto-bros 1 fuck google 1 fuck indiana 1 fuck pence 1 fuck prohibition 1 fuck rednecks 1 fuck the gop 1 fuck trump 1 fuck you 1 fuckin hollywood 1 fucking moron 1 fucking russians 1 fuckthemilitary 1 fuckthepolice 1 fucktrump 1 furries 1 gages 1 galician slaughter 1 gallery 1 gallows 1 gangbang 1 gangstalking 1 gaslighting 1 gawker 1 gay 1 gem 1 george 1 geriatric 1 getajob 1 getting started 1 github 1 globalwafers 1 god help me 1 goldwater 1 got what he deserved 1 government 1 grabber 1 greedy pigfuckers 1 green fairy 1 hacker 1 hacking 1 hammond 1 handouts 1 hardchats 1 hartman 1 hartman-tyner 1 hash bash 1 hashbash 1 he loves it 1 heart 1 hegel 1 herschel walker 1 hifi 1 high af 1 highlighting 1 hilarious 1 histograms 1 hobbies 1 honest 1 hope 1 howie mandel 1 huge manly barrel gut 1 human rights violations 1 hurr durr 1 i dont know 1 i think i'm dying 1 idiot 1 idiots 1 idkman 1 ihateyou 1 im 1 image 1 imnotwithher 1 inbred 1 indigenous 1 injustice 1 insane 1 insights 1 insomnia 1 install 1 intarbutts 1 intel 1 interbutts 1 internet 1 internet tough guy syndrome 1 intro 1 islam 1 isolation 1 issues 1 jack dorsey 1 james mcgibney 1 jason miller 1 jester 1 jesus 1 job 1 jodi hildebrandt 1 jojo 1 joshua "null" moon 1 jpeg 1 jpmorgan 1 jquery 1 kangaroo court 1 kayla 1 keyboards 1 kindergarten 1 kindpen 1 kiwi farms 1 kkk 1 klaus 1 kony2012 1 kotaku 1 kramdown 1 kyanonymous 1 lame 1 lasagne 1 lathe 1 latin 1 lavabit 1 lazarus 1 learned-the-hard-way 1 lel 1 libera 1 license 1 lindsey graham 1 lmfao 1 logic 1 lolfrfr 1 low end 1 lunatic religious fanatics 1 machining 1 mad max 1 manycam 1 mario 1 marjorie taylor greene 1 markdown 1 martin 1 mass highlight 1 mastodon 1 maymay 1 mckesson corp 1 me 1 media 1 meem 1 meh 1 meme dump 1 memorial day 1 memories 1 memory 1 mentally ill 1 metrology 1 metrotimes 1 microsoft tech support 1 middle 1 mideast 1 mkv 1 moochers 1 morally bankrupt 1 mordechai vanunu 1 mormons 1 moronswithher 1 movement 1 movies 1 mp3 1 mp4 1 msixbundle 1 murder 1 n64 1 narcissists prayer 1 nerdwar 1 nest 1 neural-enhance 1 neuro fuel 1 new 1 new year 1 nix 1 node 1 nomi 1 nonsense 1 nootropic 1 nootropyl 1 noscript 1 nostr 1 nothing 1 nsa 1 nuclear weapons 1 nurse 1 o_o 1 obama 1 office 1 okuma 1 omgwtfbbq 1 onion 1 openai 1 opinion 1 opioid crisis 1 overtime 1 packets 1 parallax 1 parametric 1 parental narcissism 1 parenthood 1 parenting 1 pax 1 pax 3 1 paxahau 1 paywall 1 pc-dmis 1 pedophiles 1 perl 1 personality cult 1 peter thiel 1 phil shaltz 1 photos 1 photoshop 1 pia fraus 1 pictures 1 pieces of shit 1 pihole 1 pimp my ride 1 ping 1 piracy 1 plagiarism 1 plex 1 port 1 positivity 1 possible hack 1 potency 1 pragmatapro 1 prank 1 president 1 preska 1 primary 1 privacy 1 pro/e 1 programming 1 progressbar 1 prolapse 1 propeller 1 protective order 1 pseudo-update 1 psychology 1 psychopath 1 psychopaths 1 psychos 1 ptc 1 pushers of death 1 pytorch 1 racist 1 rap 1 rape 1 raspberry pi 1 raspberrypi 1 raspbian 1 reddit 1 redneck lunatic militia 1 rednecks 1 render hook 1 reprieve 1 republican 1 revenge porn 1 riaa 1 ridiculous 1 ripper 1 rittenhouse 1 roald dahl 1 roe v wade 1 romney 1 rush hour rewards 1 russel jay gould 1 russian revolution 1 sackler 1 sad 1 saudi arabia 1 scam 1 scammer 1 scandal 1 schiit 1 schizophrenia 1 schroeder 1 science denial 1 scotus 1 scrape 1 scraper 1 script 1 scum 1 scumbag 1 search 1 secretary of state 1 section 230 1 security 1 sedition 1 send help 1 sentinel 1 seriousmode 1 sex 1 shane fox 1 shillary 1 shitty parents 1 shows 1 skid 1 skids 1 slavery 1 slumlord 1 sneaky 1 social justice 1 sommelier 1 sovereign citizen 1 spc 1 spotify 1 sqlite 1 stable diffusion 1 stalker 1 stand your ground 1 stats 1 steubenville 1 stitches 1 stoned 1 stoned review 1 stoned thoughts 1 stoner comics 1 stopthesteal 1 stupidity 1 supreme court 1 surveillance 1 syntax 1 taiwan 1 tangodown 1 targeted ads 1 tattoo 1 teamjester 1 techno 1 temet nosce 1 tensorflow 1 terminal 1 terrible 1 th3j35t3r 1 thc-o 1 the kind pen 1 the menu 1 the trolls win 1 thelounge 1 theocracy 1 time 1 tip 1 tmsc 1 tmux 1 tor 1 tox 1 tracker 1 trayvon 1 treason 1 trig 1 trollaxor 1 trololo 1 trugreen 1 trugreen sucks 1 trumpers 1 tv 1 tweets 1 tyner 1 ublock origin 1 uncle tom 1 uncle tom's cabin 1 unethical 1 unimportant 1 unit circle 1 unit vector 1 utf-8 test 1 vaccines 1 vim 1 viral 1 walmart 1 wat 1 watchdog timer 1 watching you 1 web 1 weed 1 weeds 1 welfare 1 wes anderson 1 what.cd 1 who 1 windows store 1 wkuk 1 woke 1 workaround 1 world 1 worthless 1 www 1 xmas 1 x̅ & r 1 yesiamstillalive 1 youtube-dl 1 zero 1 zimmerman 1