It’s an odd thing to think about, but I think it speaks to the maturity of our species. Most of my life I remember physics being the search for grand and unifying models and equations that explain all processes and activity from the micro-world of muons to the macro-world of quarks. As a species it does appear as though we’re entering a new era of discovery, and part of that new era is realigning our expectations of the data we gather. So far we have seen unexpected maths popping up in odd places and maths that you would expect to cleanly explain things just fall apart with little deference.

Isn’t that poetic? The universe, in all its complexity and wisdom, has shown us that it has no single key to unlock. She won’t give up her secrets so easily.

A little digression, here, but I honestly agree heavily that China is a major issue for the United States. China is a rogue nation with a fascist regime at the helm and 1.2 billion humans under these reigns. They’re also an economic powerhouse that will vacuum up all intellectual property that they can in order to make money. You cannot discern where the Communist Chinese Party begins and Chinese corporate leadership ends. They are one and the same. If China were a truly free market I couldn’t say this. However, there is no freedom in China. There’s just “what you can get away with”.

I’ve been looking at M5 Stack products lately and I think I really want to get into their offerings. I might start with the “Cardputer”. I’m not sure yet, though. It looks awesome, anyways.

I still can’t fucking believe that moron Crooks. May he rot in hell, useless bastard.